LADETEC's structure was set up in 1984, as the enormous lack of good quality High-Resolution Gas
Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (HRGC-MS) computerized analysis in the country became evident.
lt turned into a support mechanism for more than 80 academic and industrial research groups, besides public and
private entities. Moreover, it started generating resources to maintain a significant part of the group's research
activities and also of academic groups that did not dispose of resources to perform analysis or maintain adequate
analytical structure.
The need of developing and disseminating in the country the newly (1981) established HRGC resulted in the
creation, in 1982, of the Laboratory of Column Preparation and Chromatography (Laboratório de Preparação de
Colunas e Cromatografia- LPCC).
From 1988, LADETEC started operating in three shifts, 24/24h, going through an accelerated informatization
process, in order to increase its productivity.
In the 90's decade, the three formal shifts were substituted by an extended working jorney, from 7:00 h (7a.m.) to
23:00 h (11p.m.), with the dawn period destined for automatic operation of the analytical instruments. We have the
pretension of serving as an example of how University installations can be utilized in their plenitude, reducing the
cost/benefit ratio of the investment in Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil.
Our performance in the interface University-Enterprise-Quality-Society is a practical example of Entrepreneurship and
Quality Guarantee.
The increasing number of requests for analysis of biological fluids, pharmaceutical drugs and environmental samples
(human ecology and occupational health) led to the creation, in 1989, of LAB DOP, in order to specifically attend
this analytical segment.
The effort to become stable in a new area, caused a redirectioning of the activities, thus reducing LADETEC's
availability to serve industrial demand.
Therefore, an investment in the recovery of the established capacity of LADETEC was necessary, in order to assist
the restrained demand of university support for the initiatives of the national chemical industry.
The environmental consciousness that accompanied the globalization process led to the creation of LAGOA, also in
In 2004, LAB CAL was created with the purpose of offering volumetric calibration services to LADETEC itself and
its laboratories. In 2006, LAB CAL obtained the accreditation for service rendering to external clients, which
constitutes a source of financial resources for LADETEC.